Explore Sustainable Jewelry with Bario Neal - Bario Neal

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Explore Sustainable Jewelry with Bario Neal

At Bario Neal, every piece of jewelry tells a story. Today, we’re thrilled to share our own story- delve into the heart of our craft and what makes us, us. Thanks to the brilliant team at Circle Square Studios, you can get a closer look at our process from start to finish, narrated by our co-founders, Anna Bario and Page Neal. Check out the video here, and read all about the magic of our jewelry in an exclusive interview with Anna & Page: 

Page Neal (Left) and Anna Bario (Right)

“Our mission is to make jewelry of lasting value that has a positive impact on people and the planet,” says Page Neal when asked what Bario Neal’s mission is. “This extends beyond just material sourcing and into how we make the jewelry, the quality of our jewelry, and our company values of transparency, inclusivity, and gender equality.”

What is unique about Bario Neal’s process?

Neal and Bario at their Philadelphia Flagship

Page Neal: “We don’t organize our design process or customer service with a “profit-first” mentality. This lends itself to more creativity and a fresh perspective. The process is very iterative, inspiration based, and collaborative and results in a very distinct and high quality product.”

Anna Bario: “I couldn't say that better. Throughout the growth of Bario Neal, Page and I have both held on tightly to the concept that we want every piece of jewelry our team makes to feel like a gift crafted for a friend.”

All Bario Neal  jewelry is meticulously crafted in their  in-house production studio by their lovely Philadelphia team. It’s clear that artistry and craft is a large part of the brand story. “Anna and I would describe ourselves as artists first which is different perhaps from other models. We are always influenced by the natural world as well as  historical, and contemporary cultural and artistic movements.” Says Neal when asked how art and design influence Bario Neal.

“Our process of making each piece combines ancient techniques, such as hand engraving and filigree, with contemporary technology like CAD and 3D printing. For example, we may work in CAD to design a model for 3D printing and then cast it using the lost wax casting technique. This fusion gives us incredible control over our craft, ensuring that your piece is impeccably made.” Says Bario.

What makes the design process special?

Neal: “We start our design process with the question of what inspires us? What have we been engaging with visually and in writing? What resonates? What is something that we would love and value? If it’s a custom design or heirloom redesign, we try to understand the customer’s style, what they would want for longevity, and also bring our distinct design aesthetic to the process so that we can open options for them that haven’t yet explored.It’s unique in that the inspirations and the directives aren’t coming from a corporate structure or so focused on sales.”

Bario: “All the jewelry we make is intended to hold meaning- whether we are starting with a focus on a concept or inspiration from outside jewelry, or with a specific type of material like a unique stone. We work hard to protect what can be a little sacred about the design process from outside pressures.”

A large part of the Bario Neal experience is the care and dedication taken with each client. Engaging with clients by listening to their stories, understanding their preferences, and collaborating closely to bring their visions to life results in a meaningful interaction that ensures that each piece is not just a beautiful accessory, but a cherished memento.

What do you love, as designers, about working with individual clients designing their jewelry?

Neal: “I love how committed clients are to the project and the material sourcing when they have decided to invest in custom jewelry. It’s exciting to work with people who are enthusiastic about the process and want it to be their forever heirloom. When we are working with couples directly, it’s also a very joyous experience to design a piece of jewelry with them that represents their love and connection.”

Bario: “It’s such a joy working with clients and understanding what is compelling to them, and being able to help connect them to designs and materials that are really thrilling for them.”

Do you see redesigning heirlooms as a way to transform them, or to carry the history forward?

Neal: “ I’m a big believer in building your jewelry collection around celebrations or significant life events. Jewelry is a powerful conduit and it’s a beautiful idea to gift your meaningful memories to those you love in an object form.”

Bario: “I have been rolling around the idea of imperfect heirlooms lately as we work more and more with our clients’ heirlooms and family jewelry, to  renovate and remake jewelry intended for one purpose, but destined for a new one. Life can be messy and terrifying and sad, and just as our jewelry is a talisman for our deepest loves and aspirations, it can also hold the memory of loss or the end of a relationship. I love that redesigning heirlooms allows us to both retain that history and reimagine it for the future.”

Tell us what it means to you to wear something from the earth?

Neal: “There is such a mysticism to wearing materials that have formed underneath the earth’s surface for thousands of years. Maybe I am a romantic, but wearing this energetic power in your day to day is quite remarkable.”

The driving force behind Bario Neal’s mission is sustainability. From sourcing materials to the final creation, sustainability bleeds into everything they do. “We really want to focus on creating jewelry that produces an environmental or social benefit, rather than an ecological harm. Our precious metals are almost 100% reclaimed, including post-consumer metal scraps - which we refer to as our version of fairy dust.” Says Bario about the commitment to sustainability.

Want to learn more? Watch the full video here.

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