Jewerly Care Guide

Protecting Your Ring
Protect your purchase! After you get your ring back, add your ring to your Home Owner’s/Renter’s insurance policy, or get a dedicated policy. If you need additional paperwork, or want information on getting an appraisal, get in touch with us!

Check In On Your Ring
We use our hands constantly, so over a lifetime, daily wear and tear will mean that you’ll need to put some love and repair into your ring! Bumps to the stone or ring that you may not notice can over time shift or loosen stones. Always wear your rings with care, and have the stones checked for security annually. If you lose a stone, see any damage, or find cracks in an enamel ring, get in touch to have your ring spruced up – and definitely don’t try to DIY!

Swimming With Your Ring
There’s a reason why you see metal detectors on the beach – rings easily slip off as fingers that shrink in the water. Anytime you might be swimming or even bathing at home, leave your rings in a safe & secure place.
Athletics With Your Ring
We know you love your ring, but sometimes love means letting go! Protect your ring – take it off when doing activites that could potentially damage the metal and/ or stones. This includes gardening, doing the dishes, working out, rock climbing, sailing, and so on!
Sleeping With Your Ring
Take your ring off while sleeping, and put it in the same
safe spot (not by the sink & not within a child’s reach!)
every night.
Cleaning Your Ring
Wearing your ring everyday means that it will get dirty and need a good cleaning. Do NOT use any kind of chemical cleaner – this can damage your ring! Instead, put a small amount of regular dish soap into a bowl of barely warm water, and allow it to soak for 5 minutes. Gently clean behind the settings and around the stones with a baby tooth brush, then wipe dry with a soft cloth. If you do bring your ring to be professionally cleaned by another jeweler – be sure to give them the details on ALL the stones in your ring, to ensure they don’t damage the ring in the process.